Piracy on the Great Lakes: True Tales of Freshwater Pirates by Mikel B. Classen

The image is a book cover titled "Piracy on the Great Lakes: True Tales of Freshwater Pirates" by Mikel B. Classen. The cover features a vintage photo of a ship's deck and railing, with an endorsement from author Sue Harrison at the bottom.

Reviewer: Sharon Brunner Mikel B. Classen’s “Piracy on the Great Lakes: True Tales of Freshwater Pirates” offers thought-provoking information about piracy, including attacking, robbing, and hijacking various types of watercraft and their crew. Piracy has occurred on the Great Lakes since the 1700s. Voyageurs in canoes transporting tons of furs…

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The Mindset of a Dyslexic Entrepreneur: The Scott Holman Story

Book cover titled "The Mindset of a Dyslexic Entrepreneur" by Dr. Don Steele. Features a portrait of an older man with a beard and suit against a dark background with scattered letters. Subtitle reads "The Scott Holman Story.

Review by Mack Hassler                “Mixed Genres and True Heritages: From Trollope’s Ralph the Heir to Delany’s Dhalgren,”                     by D. M. Hassler. in Into Darkness Peering (Greenwood Press, 1997) Most of the nearly thirty titles I have posted at the U.P. Book Review have been single-authored books.   This biographical…

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Another Time, Another Place: World War II in the Pacific 1941-1944 by Allan Koski

Another time another place world war ii in the pacific 1944.

Eino Koski’s Legacy Reviewed by Victor R. Volkman Allan Koski’s book Another Time, Another Place is a heartfelt and compelling memoir about his father Eino Koski’s contribution to the Pacific theatre in World War II.  Although Eino passed away in 2009, his son Allan managed to complete the manuscript with…

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