Being Nancy (In a World Lost in Mystery) by Michele Olson

Review by Sharon Brunner

The book cover features the title "Being Nancy (In a world lost in mystery)" above a drawing of a nighttime scene with a bridge across water under a starry sky. The author's name, Michèle Olson, is at the bottom, along with the text "A Mackinac Island Story." Various decorative elements, such as a magnifying glass, flowers, and a candle, are also present on the cover.Michele Olson’s book “Being Nancy: In a World Lost in Mystery” is filled with intrigue, plot twists, human misery, and enduring friendships. Mackinac Island served as the place where the story took place and some of the main characters are Nancy, Ned, Piper and Cam, two married couples who developed a close relationship. The island is located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan near the town of St. Ignace, Michigan. It served as a meeting place for the indigenous years ago, battles were fought on the island and now it is a popular tourist destination. People live on the island year-round and children attend a quaint little school with approximately 84 students (grades Kindergarten to 12th grade). Numbers can vary from year to year. Cars are not allowed on the island, and you will see lots of horse-drawn carriages and bicycles. The smell of fudge permeates the air in the town proper. Nancy, the main character, found solace in escaping the problems she was facing by organizing with some of other women a Nancy Drew convention at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. The event led to the revelation of several dark secrets.

Some of the themes that revealed themselves in the narrative were the importance of faith and honesty; different perspectives; and collaboration. Nancy and Ned, her husband, viewed their relationship differently. Unknown to Nancy, Ned wanted more in their relationship, and he felt neglected. Nancy felt that he didn’t want to spend time with her. They both did things to sabotage their relationship. The importance of faith was mentioned on many occasions throughout the book. Both Cam and Piper stressed to Nancy and Ned how their faith has saved them on many occasions. Nancy received strong support from people who became her friends during her time of need when planning the Nancy Drew convention. Nancy’s deceit got the better of her throughout much of the book until the truth was finally revealed.

The classic film “Somewhere in Time” starring Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves was filmed on Mackinac Island. Currently, the movie is being shown at the Mission Point Theater every Monday from May to October. A book that reminded me of Olson’s book was “Mystery on Mackinac Island” written by Anna W. Hale. The plot of this book mainly involved Nancy and Ned’s relationship and the Nancy Drew convention until a rare book went missing. An unexpected twist consistent with many mysteries occurred when Nancy solved the missing book phenomenon. Many of Nancy Drew’s mysteries were mentioned throughout the book with a focus placed on “The Mystery at Lilac Inn.” Nancy Drew number 57 in the series called “The Triple Hoax” involved a friend of Nancy Drew’s Aunt who was swindled out of a large amount of money. In Olson’s book, people pretended to be the Masons from a group Nancy borrowed money from to put on the convention. They tried to pull off a hoax on Nancy. This book has inspired me to want to visit some of the Nancy Drew mysteries I have collected.

One of the things I liked about the book were the scenes in which an elder man named Freddy told jokes. For example, Freddy told the group about a soldier who was shot in battle but some coins in his pocket stopped the bullet. It was his life savings. Many cute jokes were told throughout the book. The way Olson described specific individuals such as her mother-in-law. “If my mother-in-law wanted to be an actress, she could play any of the Disney villains without any direction. And she wouldn’t be acting.” The discussion Ned and Nancy had about his mother was honest and seemed quite genuine. How Olson mentioned various books in the narrative and each sounded like something I would like to read. I definitely want to purchase “The Mystery of Lilac Inn.” This is a perfect lead into how this book related to my life.

I have been a Nancy Drew mystery fan. I grew up reading them and still do on occasion. I equate the quality of the Nancy Drew books to my love of Agatha Christie books. My previous employment as a Johnson O’Malley Program Coordinator reminded me of how much effort went into planning the Nancy Drew convention. Through that position, I organized many large events from the planning of children’s Christmas parties to career days for high school students. I lined up many professionals to talk to students about their career choices. There can be a lot of stress when lots of details need to be addressed. Another thing I could relate to was Nancy’s divorce from her first husband. I also went through a divorce and at first only saw negative aspects of my ex-husband and it took me a while to see why I married him in the first place. Divorces can be messy and unsettling. Nancy’s ex-husband appeared to be vindictive and has not moved on.

I recommend Being Nancy: In a World Lost in Mystery for its intriguing plot twists, and because of its poignant description of specific individuals and situations, its honest and revealing rationale of why it’s vital to be truthful and consider other people’s feelings at all times and the importance placed on collaboration when tackling life’s struggles. Ned and Nancy faced a marriage based on dishonesty and distrust and they did not take responsibility for the role they played in the troubles they created. Their friends tried to lead them in the right direction. Nancy’s problems took a real turn for the worse, but she managed to pull through it with the support of her friends. She put what she learned from reading Nancy Drew mysteries to work when she solved a serious problem at the Nancy Drew convention that could have led to her demise. Olson created an interesting book with likeable and realistic characters who faced serious problems with ingenuity and collaboration.

Title: Being Nancy (In a World Lost in Mystery) by Michele Olson

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